Constitution of the North Carolina Seedsmen's Assocation
This association shall be known as the North Carolina Seedsmen's Association.
The object of this Association shall be to discuss, promote and protect the interests of the seed trad; to create a united effort for cultivating the highest business integrity which shall include purity and reliability of stocks, due regard for obligations, and ethical practices generally; and to promote former business relations between all those engaged in trade everywhere.
The membership of the Association shall consist of voting, associate and honorary members.
The voting, membership shall consist of individuals, firms, and corporations who are recognized as general seed dealers located in North Carolina.
The assocate membership shall consist of individuals, firms and corporations meeting the following qualifications.
(a) Those whose business is of an agricultural nature or related industries, and thereby brought into regular contact with the seed dealers of North Carolina.
(b) Those recognized as seed growers, processors and/or dealers located outside the state of North Carolina.
The honorary membership shall consist of individuals or organizations upon whom the Association deesires to bestow such, in accordance with the provisions of the By-Laws. |